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Visit the Carrathool Community Directory

Hillston, New South Wales

Upcoming Events in Carrathool

Hillston image

Hillston was settled in 1863 on the banks of the Lachlan River. It is a rich agricultural centre, supplying food and fibre to the Australian and export markets. Water from a large artesian basin irrigates many food crops, including oranges, cherries, mangoes and olives. Take a walk through town and visit The Hillston Cotton Gin, the gallery and museum. Go bird watching at Lake Woorabinda and by the Lachlan River or take a drive through Black Stump country and remote villages of Carrathool, Rankins Springs, Merriwagga and Goolgowi. Willandra National Park sits 64 kilometres northwest of Hillston. The park features Willandra Homestead, Woolshed and Ram Shed and visitors can stay at the Willandra Cottage.

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